How to Increase Your Productivity in 5 Simple Steps

We live in an era of constant bombardment of information, demands, and tasks, and amid this chaos, increasing productivity becomes a constant pursuit. Whether in the professional or personal sphere, optimizing the use of time and resources is crucial for achieving goals and maintaining a healthy balance in life.

Furthermore, my experience working full-time remotely since 2020 has shown me that indeed, I need to compartmentalize things if I want to stay focused and productive in my day-to-day life.

Working away from the office, where the focus would be 100% on work, is not easy. Working from home or in a coworking/cafe setting presents significant daily challenges.

Speaking of personal life, there are also phases and times when productivity is far from what we would like it to be.

Therefore, I have outlined here 5 Simple Steps that help me maintain productivity and focus on achieving my goals in life, and I hope they can help you achieve yours.

I hope you find them helpful. 🙂

1) Set Clear Objectives

The first and crucial step to increase your productivity is to establish clear and measurable goals. Be specific about what you want to achieve, breaking down larger goals into smaller tasks. This clarity provides a mental map to guide your daily actions.

Furthermore, setting small goals and taking small steps will be essential to staying productive. Therefore, know how to define how to achieve small victories.

This will help you stay motivated, especially during idle hours or on bad days.

Have a purpose in mind and always remember it. Why are you doing it? Where do you want to get it? How are you going to get there?

These are crucial questions that, if you can answer clearly, will help you stay productive for a longer time.

2) Prioritize Tasks

Not all tasks are equally important. Use methods like the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks based on urgency and importance. Focus on activities that have the greatest impact on your goals and allocate time to them before dealing with less crucial tasks.

It’s important to keep in mind what the main things are that you want to do or accomplish. What can you do on your own? What impact will this task have? Is it urgent, or can it be done another day?

Remember, set clear goals at each stage, sequentially prioritize tasks, and see the difference it will make in your productivity.

3) Adopt Time Management Techniques

Effective time management is a cornerstone of productivity. Try techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, where you dedicate intense focus to a task for short periods, followed by breaks. This helps maintain concentration and prevents burnout, both in work and personal life.

Setting schedules and execution times for your actions and even for rest will assist you in better compartmentalizing things in your day-to-day.

There’s not much secret here. Just know when to do things and how long they will take. With this well-defined, even though it’s a simple concept, I guarantee you will be much more productive in your routine.

4) Organize Your Work Environment

A disorganized environment can undermine your efficiency. Take time to organize your workspace, eliminating distractions and ensuring everything is within reach. A clean and organized environment significantly contributes to mental clarity.

Whether it’s your office, your desk, or the environment you’re in, organizing things before starting something is very beneficial for saving time and staying in the flow during execution.

Moreover, personally speaking, I can only work if things are organized. I know many people don’t care much about it, but in my experience, it makes a total difference in keeping me focused on what I’m doing and, consequently, staying productive.

5) Learn to Delegate Tasks

Recognize the importance of delegating tasks. Don’t hesitate to share responsibilities, whether at work or in personal projects. This not only lightens your load but also allows you to focus on only what you enjoy and want to do.

By doing so, you’ll also be able to progress in those skills you want to become an expert in. Tasks that would take you a considerable amount of time to learn and execute can be outsourced to those who already know. This way, everyone benefits, and the work typically attains higher quality.

6) BONUS — Engage in Sports

And here’s a bonus tip that, personally speaking, I can’t live without.

Engaging in sports or any physical activity allows you to be more active, and to have more energy and vitality in your life as a whole.

Physical activity releases endorphins, neurotransmitters associated with the feeling of well-being, providing an energy boost that extends beyond the exercise session. By starting the day with a dose of physical activity, for example, you prepare yourself to face challenges with a more positive and focused attitude.

Moreover, physical activities have the power to reduce stress, and anxiety, and help you develop focus, discipline, persistence, and resilience, among other benefits.

Whether it’s a walk or run outdoors, a bike ride, weightlifting, or even high-intensity sports, all of this will help you become more creative, establish a better routine, and take better care of your diet, mental health, physical health, and even spiritual well-being.

Don’t forget to engage in some form of physical activity every day. This, for me, is the best tip of all.😊


Increasing productivity is not just about working more but working smarter. By setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, managing your time efficiently, maintaining an organized environment, and delegating when appropriate, you will be paving the way for success and achieving a healthier balance in your life. Implement these six simple steps and discover the transformative potential they can bring to your daily journey. Success is within reach for those who choose to optimize each step. So, don’t underestimate each small step.

Now, tell me what you like to do to increase and maintain your productivity in your daily life.

Feel free to give me feedback and share ideas about the content I write here.

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Thank you for reading this far. See you next time.


Who am I?


My name is Gabriel Garcia, nickname Garba, I’ve been working with paid media since 2016, and over that time I’ve had the opportunity to participate in reference teams in digital performance in large agencies and startups in Brazil.

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